My Projects

The Wild Oasis
A React app for managing a fictional resort. Admin Panel
Admin panel includes charts and statistics for bookings, revenue, etc.

Auth NextJS
A NextJS app with authentication, authorization and roles
Users can login, signup, reset password, update profile. Admin can manage users, roles, permissions

A platform similar to notion for jotting down notes and tasks
Users can create, edit, delete notes and tasks. Dark mode available, publish notes and tasks

G1 Aqua
Website for a water purifier company
Users can see products, services, contact details, send and enquiry

A Server Side Rendered Website for Booking Adventure Tours
User can book tours, give reviews,login, signup, reset password, update profile. Admin can manage tours, users, bookings and reviews

A webapp to search for recipes and save them to your favourites
Built while learning JavaScript, ES6, Parcel, MVC

A simple webapp to log your running and cycling on a map using the Geolocation API and Leaflet Maps
Built while learning JavaScript, ES6, Object Oriented Programming, GeoLocation API

A beautiful Landing Page for a fictional adventour tour company
Built while learning Advanced CSS and Sass

A beautiful home page for a food delivery website using HTML and CSS
Built while learning HTML, CSS, Responsive Design

A beautiful responsive home page for a travelling website
A fun project for refreshing my css skills

A beautiful home page for a fictional hotel booking website
Built while learning CSS Flexbox and Sass

A beautiful home page for a fictional real estate website
Built while learning Sass and CSS Grid